A Blackdog Event Ltd

12 Market Place, Halesworth, IP19 8BA

Date assessed:  08/06/21              Assessed By: The Organisers    - A Blackdog Event Ltd


This Risk Assessment  is for the Grand Brocante at Riddlesworth Hall on Sunday 13th June 2021. In compiling this Risk Assessment we have taken guidance from the following sources: Gov.Uk, Association of Event Organisers, Event Safety Plan, HBAA.


In this Risk Assessment we will provide evidence that we have adequately assessed the risks arising from the current COVID-19 situation and followed Government Guidelines and those issued by the above organisations.  In doing so we  are ensuring that the event can take place in such a way that the safety of visitors, exhibitors and staff is protected to the best of our ability.


Coronavirus alert levels in UK


The level of risk has been split into three levels: low, medium and high.

The Covid alert system will determine which level is required.  However,

for the purpose of this Risk Assessment we will set the level of risk

as ‘High’ for all categories.

The venue where the Grand Brocante is being held is the Parkland to the front of Glemham Hall.  The actual site that the exhibitors, and food village will be located on is 23 acres and fronts the A12 and is to the North East of the Hall. To the South of this area is the parking which again occupies a large area of around 24 acres.

There will be separate entry and exit points. Toilets will be placed individually around the site rather than in blocks.

The Food Village will be sited in such a way that there is plenty of room for Social Distancing.  There will be no table and chairs provided this year.


Visitor Risks

Potential Hazard Identified

Low Risk Controls

Medium Risk Controls

High Risk Controls

Air born spread through travel to the venue

·      Same as high

·      Same as high

·      Advertising for the event will advise all visitors to arrive by car that there is a plentiful supply of free parking.

Air born spread through close contact in busy aisles

·      Same as high

·      Same as high


·      Wider aisles to be in place

·      Separate entry and exit points and advise the use of face masks

·      Additional onsite arrangements for spotters to manage pinch points.

·      Adequate signage and arrows to influence crowd behaviour.

Air born risk in parking area

  • Same as high

·       Same as high

·       Marshalls in place to ensure adequate distance left between vehicles to allow for social distancing.

·       Adequate signage and arrows to influence crowd behaviour

Air born risk in Food Village

        ·  Same as High

·      Same as high

·       No tables and chairs to be provided.

·       Sanitizer Stations

·       Bins regularly checked and emptied

Air born spread in the queues entering the show

·      Same as high

·       Same as high

·      Separate entrance and exit points  

·      Contactless payment where possible

·      Social distancing in queues, clearly displayed using signage


Contact risk exhibitor/visitor/Staff

·       Same as high

·       Same as high

·      Contactless payment where possible

·      All exhibitors to have hand sanitiser available.

·      Encourage exhibitors to use Face Masks.

·      Hand sanitiser stations around the event area.

·      Sanitisers to be antiviral with high alcohol content.

·       All staff will be advised to hand sanitiser at least once per hour and be provided with adequate PPE

Contact risk in Food Village

·       Same as high

·       Same as high

·       Contactless payments where possible

·       Compulsory for exhibitors to provide their staff with hand sanitiser, adequate PPE. 

·       Caterers to be required to operate to the standards required of foodservice operations generally and should comply with appropriate foodservice and food retailing COVID- 19 guidance.

·       No tables or chairs. Visitors encouraged to bring picnic blankets and to keep to social distancing guidelines.

·       Signage to remind visitors queuing for food to adhere to two metre social distancing.

·       Hand sanitiser units around the Food Village for visitors   use.

Contact and air born risk in and around toilets

  • Same as high


·       Same as high

  • Toilets will be placed individually around the site.
  • Toilets will be regularly checked and cleaned.
  • Alcohol based cleaning products to be used for toilet sanitising.
  • Cleaning schedule to be posted.
  • Hand sanitiser in all toilets.

Contact and air born spread in busy catering areas

  • Same as high

·       Same as high

·  Undertake a density calculation, increase catering areas to allow adequate spacing between outlet

Air born spread during build- up/breakdown

  • Same as high
  • Same as high

Advise exhibitors to use face masks

Air born risk due to busy stands

·       Same as high

·       Same as high

·      Issue exhibitors with stand guidelines

·      Ask Exhibitors to ensure there is enough room on the stand if busy for customers to socially distance.

·      Advise Exhibitors to wear Face Masks.

Confusion leading to Exhibitors not complying with guidelines

·      Same as high

·      Same as high


·      Exhibitor communication preshow to include stand guidelines and PPE requirements.

·      Experienced team onsite to offer support to exhibitors and ensure those onsite are complying with the guidelines.



Supplier Risks

Potential Hazard Identified

Low Risk Controls

Medium Risk Controls

High Risk Controls

Air Born Risk: Front of house staff

·      Same as high

·      Same as high

·      Staff  advised to wear face masks and keep minimum metre distance at all times.



Contact Risk: FOH Staff

·       Same as high

·       Same as high

Provide staff with hand sanitiser and disinfectant.

·       Strong preshow communication outlining the event guidelines.

Air born risk: contractors during build- up/breakdown

·       Same as high

·       Same as high

·      Increase build/breakdown times.


Confusion leading to suppliers not complying with guidelines


·       Same as high risk

·      Strong communication preshow outlining the event guidelines and adequate signage



Staff Risks




Potential Hazard Identified

Low Risk Controls

Medium Risk Controls

High Risk Controls

Air born risk travelling to the show

·       Same as high

·       Same as high

·      Compulsory for staff to travel by car.

·      Staff advised not to attend if they are displaying any of the symptoms associated with the Covid-19 virus


General air born risk onsite

·       Same as high

·       Same as high

·      Adequate PPE stock available.

·      Face masks provided for organisers

General Contact risk onsite

·      Same as high

Same as high

·      Provide staff with their own equipment to stop the spread through sharing equipment.

·       No handshake rule.

·      Adequate PPE and hand sanitiser.

Confusion leading to staff not complying with guidelines or monitoring the show properly

·      Same as high

·      Same as high

·      Strong communication with staff before the event.

·      Training for key personnel in managing Covid risk.